Few today argue that intelligent business decisions are guided by a thorough analysis of large volumes of qualified data, both from our own company and from the information obtained on the competition in the marketplace.

We also know that for the process to be truly useful, it must be conducted in a fast way and with accurate and understable results, especially in an ultra-competitive market where the winner is the one who first makes data meaningful and useful for decision making.

In order to acquire useful data that help our customers make fast and accurate decisions, we at Pentasoft have opted for Tableau as a vital tool of our portfolio of visual analysis software of big data repositories.

We were well aware that we had to make the transition from the traditional numerical analysis to the creation of visual predictive analytics. We produce useful knowledge by defining trends, developing projections based on predictive analytics, implementing adaptive dashboards, designing patterns of knowledge, and using a comprehensive set of visual tools that helps us to show knowledge rather than information. With all this, we want to enable you to have at your disposal all the possible visual analytics that may allow you to quickly make important decisions that meet the target set in your project.

We at Pentasoft are experts in visual data analysis and therefore we can help you interpret and transform your information into useful knowledge in order for you to be able to make intelligent and accurate decisions. For further details, learn about the case studies we have launched with our customers.