Alicia Noya, manager of InfinityView in Spain, recently paid Pentasoft a visit to talk about her company and the interesting products they develop. Alicia has a wealth of experience in direct marketing and advertising agencies, allowing her to possess an exceptional global vision of the modern marketing world.

According to data from the latest Infoadex advertising investment study in Spain, over the last year, 59% of the investment has been made in non-conventional media, while the remaining 41% has been spent on conventional media. This all seems to indicate that in the business environment there is still an ongoing "fight" between digital marketing (social media, email marketing, mobile marketing, etc.) and traditional marketing (TV, radio, newspapers, etc.).

However, conversations like the one we had with Alicia show that there is still a meeting point for both types of media, and that not everything can be reduced to a simple ON or OFF, but with tools like InfinityView we are able to integrate both approaches within the same strategy.

InfinityView is a new tool of mobile marketing which helps the offline world connect with the online world through smartphones. By an invisible treatment of the printed image, and an application that includes a reader which is installed on your phone, it provides an interactive environment that allows the user the following options:

  • Access to websites
  • Video playback
  • Fulfill reply coupons
  • Promotion management
  • Online games
  • Email delivery
  • Phone management

Furthermore, from the point of view of the definition of KPIs, it provides detailed statistical information about users and the ability to send push notifications once they have registered with the application, as well as taking into account geolocation components.

At Pentasoft we constantly analyze the latest technological trends in order to implement tools that allow us to improve our clients' strategy. This is what makes InfinityView a clear benchmark that will undoubtedly be used in our future projects.