At Pentasoft, in addition to offering an extensive portfolio of services and products, we equip our clients with the necessary tools to enable them to monitor and analyze the results of the different activities that they perform.

One of these tools is the real-time reporting platform, which adapts to the needs of the brands we collaborate with in such a way that custom reports can be consulted via the Internet at any time from any platform.

In the specific case of KIA, the company asked us to conduct a real-time analysis of the results of customer satisfaction studies (both Sales and After-Sales Service), which are carried out here at Pentasoft. This analysis was undertaken in order to offer those responsible for the project a tool with the following features:

  • Updated results in real time, precisely in the moment they are registered
  • Easy access from any location and from any device
  • Analysis of the main KPIs that have an impact on customer satisfaction
  • Assessment of the evolution of these indicators in comparison with the previous 6 months in the answers archive
  • Comparing the different areas and dealers to the national average

In this way we have created on our online reporting platform, a series of balanced scorecards with restricted access for Customer Satisfaction, Sales and After-Sales representatives of KIA Motors Iberia. From this platform, they have the ability to perform the following functions:

  • Analyze the main indicators of customer satisfaction by shopping areas
  • Design specific action plans for each area that presents a weakness
  • Activate the action plans by clearly defining the people in charge as well as the goals to achieve
  • Monitor the follow up to the action plans with the brand's field staff
  • Be in a position to make swift and effective decisions
  • Measure the effectiveness of the action plans further in advance and in real-time

Additionally, as a result of our collaboration with the KIA Motors Iberia IT team, they have integrated these balanced scorecards (maintaining the different data filtering options) within the online tool that the entire network of KIA dealers uses in Spain.

Thanks to this integration, we achieve the following objectives:

  • Engage the dealers network in the constant improvement of KIA customer satisfaction
  • Grant each dealer of the brand the opportunity to analyze the results with which the customers value their own points of sale and service
  • The opportunity to plan corrective measures and determine the effectiveness of such a plan in a significantly faster manner
  • Compare these results with the rest of the network dealers (national average)

We at Pentasoft are experts in online management of large volumes of information, and we are therefore able to help you define and set up personalized balanced scorecards to monitor your business strategy in real time. If you would like to see a detailed account of the projects we can implement, we recommend that you visit our section on success stories.