
KIA is a multinational company of Korean origin dedicated to the manufacture and sale of vehicles. It has been operating in Spain since 1992 through its subsidiary, Kia Motors Iberia.


In 2003, we began collaborating with KIA by designing and implementing an innovative customer strategy. It started off as an implementation of customer relationship management (CRM) and relation strategy with the end customer, but has since evolved into a complex multichannel communication strategy with a significant technological component.

The goal has always been to center all the marketing and communication strategy around the customer, thus reinforcing the primary value proposition: to be the automotive brand with greater and better guarantee for the customer. This ambitious objective has, from the very beginning, required from us to have a 360° vision of the customers and their needs.


When we started the project, the corporate website already represented one of the main channels of communication with the brand. However, the market was markedly offline. In this context, we chose to integrate all communication channels between the brand and the customer, looking to centralize the knowledge around them while generating a unique response to strengthen the brand positioning with two clear business objectives:

  • Increase the repurchase rate and prescription through a high level of satisfaction at all stages of customer engagement
  • Increase the percentage of purchases vs. leads through the qualification of records and communications integration value during the purchasing maturation process

That's how we started to introduce social networking sites like Facebook, Twitter, Youtube or Live Chat in the multichannel strategy of the company's website. This last channel makes KIA the first automotive company in Spain to provide customer service through online chats, in addition to the aforementioned original channels.

With this multichannel relationship strategy, KIA is currently one of the leading brands in consumer perception, as well as in sales. But, above all, it is a pioneer in providing facilities for the user to interact with the brand through multiple channels both offline and online, therefore achieving a unique brand positioning.


  • Outgoing calls per day: +2.000
  • Received calls per day: +1.900
  • Live chats per day: +400
  • Managed emails per day: +100