Alejandro Cobo has attended a Pentasoft breakfast session to talk about how new technologies are influencing modern-day marketing. In his opinion, the marketing world as we know it today will radically change in the near future, all thanks to a disruptive element: artificial intelligence.

In October 2010, Google announced that it had successfully completed the Google Car project: a fleet of driverless cars covered a distance of 225,000 kilometers in California over six months. Through the use of video cameras, radar and laser sensors, digital maps and GPS, vehicles have been successfully kept on the road during this period without suffering any accidents. LIDAR technology enables the vehicle to recreate a three-dimensional model of its surroundings. This, together with GPS technology and the maps which the vehicle stores from its immediate vicinity, allows the car to create a safe route to the intended destination.

In the summer of 2011, the Matternet project was set up with the aim of using the latest technologies in robotics and artificial intelligence to bring food and medicine to areas inaccessible by road. In order to carry out this task, a network of drones autonomously carry medicine, vaccines and other vital commodities to places which are virtually impossible to reach.

Hopefully, we will soon have Alejandro here again so that we can continue to undertake further research into these interesting changes that lie ahead. We know that all this may seem intimidating to many people, but advances made in technology, as has been shown in the case of the Matternet project, can also be used for social purposes.

Pentasoft, a company which carries out business intelligence projects, has been fully committed to new technologies and their implementation in business strategy. If your company is ready to take the leap, call us and count on us. For further details, read our success stories we have launched together with our customers.